That key is enough for me to forge a cookie as admin and get access to additional places on the site.

With that, I’ll leak one of the keys used by the application, and the fact that there are more protections in place. I’ll start by uploading a SHTML file that allows me to read the configuration file for the application. Perspective is all about exploiting a ASP.NET application in many different ways.
Hackthebox ctf htb-perspective windows iis aspx dotnet feroxbuster web-config shtml upload burp burp-proxy burp-repeater burp-intruder filter formatauthenticationticket ssrf pdf html-scriptless-injection meta crypto deserialization viewstate viewstateuserkey machinekey nishang command-injection padding-oracle padbuster youtube potato seimpersonate juicypotatong htb-overflow htb-lazy htb-smasher I’ll abuse a process running as root to get root access. This allows me to connect to any process on the box and inject shellcode, getting execution in the context of that process. The final user has access to the GNU debugger with ptrace capabilities. Next I’ll abuse meta-git to get a shell as the next user. I’ll find a password for the database connection in the web files that is also used for a user account on the box. I’ll abuse SQL injection to bypass authentication, and then a mPDF vulenrability to read files from disk. Htb-faculty ctf hackthebox nmap php feroxbuster sqli sqli-bypass auth-bypass sqlmap mpdf cyberchef burp burp-repeater file-read password-reuse credentials meta-git command-injection gdb ptrace capabilities python msfvenom shellcodeįaculty starts with a very buggy school management web application.

To escalate to root, I’ll abuse fail2ban.
I’ll show how to use that LFI to get execution via mail poisoning, log poisoning, and just reading an SSH key. That file read leads to another subdomain, which has a file include. There’s an SQL injection that allows bypassing the authentication, and reading files from the system. Trick starts with some enumeration to find a virtual host. Htb-trick ctf hackthebox nmap smtp smtp-user-enum zone-transfer vhosts wfuzz feroxbuster employee-management-system sqli sqli-bypass cve-2022-28468 boolean-based-sqli sqlmap file-read lfi directory-traversal mail-poisoning log-poisoning burp burp-repeater fail2ban htb-admirertoo